Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Passive Voice

Personal Dates

Nama                          :                                   Boyke Ricardo
Place  & date of birth:                                   Jakarta, 9 April 1992
Gender                       :                                   Male
Height  & Weight      :                                   170cm / 62kg
Status                          :                                   Singel                           
Citizenship                 :                                   Indonesia
Religion                      :                                   Christiany
                                                                        Address                      :                                   Tridaya Nuansa Indah. Blog EA4 No. 12A. Tambun Selatan
No. Phone/Mobile      :                                   08997428835
Hobbies                      :                                   listening music, reading dan watching
E-mail                         :                                   boykericardoterok@yahoo.com
Qualifitions                :                                   Good attitude, communicative, target oriented, discipline, and responsible
1.          SMAN 4 tambun Selatan
2.          SMPN 5 Tambun Selatan
3.          SDN Jaya Suti Abadi

2007– 2010
2004 –2007


Nama  : Boyke Ricardo
       NPM    : 11210441
       Kelas   : 4EA15
       Tugas Bahasa Inggris (Kalimat Active Voice)

·         Jika dalam kalimat subjek melakkan pekerjaan, maka kalimat subjek pasif subjuklah yang dikenai pekerjaan.
Contoh :
1.      Active : My sister wash the plate
Passive : The plate was  by my sister
2.      Active : Avril sing a song in the room
Passive : a song  was sung by Avril
3.      Active : My brother wrote a letter this afternoon
            Passive : a letter was written this afternoon  
4.      Active : He wants to bring the laptop
            Passive : He wants her to bring the laptop
5.      Active : My mother give me money
Passive : I was given the money by my mother

·         Objek kalimat dipindahkan ke awal kalimat sehingga objek menjadi subjek
Contoh :
1.      Active : She play basket ball in the field
       Passive : Basket ball was play by her in the field

·         Subjek dipindahkan ke akhir kalimat, dengan kata lain, subjek dijadikan objek
Contoh :
2.      Active : She play basket ball in the field
       Passive : Basket ball was play by her in the field           

·         The Past Participle of regular verbs is –ed
Contoh :
1.       Active : I study English in class room
              Passive : English was studied by me in the class room
2.      Active : She go to school by train
Passive : School was gone by her by train

·         Jika active voice dalam future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will have been + being.
Contoh :
1.      Active : He will have been meeting them.
            Passive : They will have been being met by him.
2.      Active : She will have been watering this plant.
            Passive : This plant will have been being watered by her

·         Jika active voice dalam past future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would have been + being.
Contoh :
1.      Active : He would be meeting them.
            Passive : They would be being met by him.
2.      Active : She would be watering this plant.
Passive : This plant would be being watered by her.

·         Objek langsung maupun objek tak langsung dalam kalimat aktif dapat menjadi subjek dalam kalimat pasif
Contoh :
1.      Active : he gave me a book
Passive : I was given a book b him
2.      Active : He sends his mother a letter
Passive : His mother  is sent aletter by him

Referensi :
Buku : ELP English Program, Oleh Javier K
            BBC English Program, Oleh Martinus P
            English Grammar, Oleh Henricus Budi H.